Update 11/03/2023

Seeing as it is now November, it seems like a good time to give a small update on our progress towards the first issue. Obviously we didn’t reach our very hopeful goal of having the first issue by now, but we are progressing.

As of now we have received nearly thirty submissions and we have just finished with emailing acceptance and rejections with the exception of a few outliers. We have three accepted stories to work with: a serial, which we will publish in parts, and two short stories, which will appear in their entirety. These stories are currently in the editing process.

We would like to have at least five stories for our first issue, which puts us in a little bit of a fix, as we need two more good stories in order to do this. I would also like to have a few more stories for the second issue so we can make sure we have the content to sustain us in the future. That being said, I expect that we will get more submissions once we release our first issue and people are able to evaluate our work based on what we have produced so far. Therefore, if we do not have any more stories by December, we may just release a small first issue.

Please spread the word to potential writers if you can.

I also realize I never publicly thanked 1P5 for their article:

Thank you all for your support. I am hopeful that we will be able to get an issue out before the new year, God willing.

God Bless.

In Christ,

Thomas Greninger.

Publisher | Incarnation



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